Tag Archives: T-ara – Lovey Dovey

Should the Eyeliner Go Up, Down or Straight?

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Just a batch of make-up inspiration~!

Pictures not mine, found on Tumblr, Galstar and LJ~

I’m getting very confused by all the styles of make-up I want to do.

Some days I’m more inspired by gyaru, but others my littke k-pop/Ulzzang fan kick in. And other days I just get lazy because I can’t choose. Well, inspiration always help, and I think T-ara and their song Lovey Dovey spiked my interest in doing more heavy makeup again~

I love wearing heavy eyemakup wether is monday, friday og saturday. Just love it. And I am a really big fan of draging the size of the eye outwards with the eyeliner wether its gyaru-ish or more kpop inspired.

Think I’ll purchase some new lashes to get me going again.

Because I have this issue with my upper lashes being short and my bottom lashes too long. Hence why I never use false bottom lashes.

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