Tag Archives: Pink

Sweet weekend pt.2

Saturday was a pretty lazy day, and I guessed we all needed it. I felt pretty content with just watching tv or laying on the floor keeping the bunny with company. Of course some pictures where snapped that day too, so here is some of them :)

Lele with her hair extentions~ Pretty^^

I am in love with this blurry pic, idk why...

Me & Lele wearing our light sunday make-up~

My B-day gift to Lele some years ago~

I love how she has decorated this place in the living room~

This sign fits her so well! Love it~


I adore this pic of their super big clock on the wall, it’s so elegant and decorative.

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Sweet Weekend pt.1

Here is some pictures from the weekend I spent at my friends Lele&JP’s place. I just came home a few hours ago~ I always hate the feeling I get when a good weekend is over, so I figured I should edit some memories (pics). These are pictures from saturday~ It was a lovely day with pancakes for breakfast, a hard workout on arms, a walk to the store because I forgot my toothbrush, a lovely taco dinner and a few drinks. And always in company of Lele’s cute bunny, Møffin~

Isn't she lovely?

We drank a loooot of coffe~

Cute bunny and owner! :)

What I wore that day

Matching the environment pretty well huh? Anyways, during the weekend I have decided that I want a bunny myself, might be some years too, but I definitely want one~! They are shuch charming and lovely creatures.

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Instagram Part X

I’ve been a little tired at the evenings after work, but today I thought it was time for an instagram update again. So here’s update 10! They are from 23.06 to 26.06. As always, click on the numbers so see each pictures in bigger versions. Enjoy~!

  • 1. Made coffee and enjoyed life by the sea
  • 2. Enjoyed my cup of coffee made on the bonfire
  • 3. Finally got to use the lovely top
  • 4. Bonfire at 01:30AM

  • 5. Coffee in the sun
  • 6. Star ice cubes
  • 7. Star ice cubes in my ice tea on a sunny day
  • 8. Made iced coffee one hot day~

  • 9. A cup of hot tea one chilly night
  • 10. Matching
  • 11.Wore my skeleton t-shirt a day, it had been a while:)
  • 12. Downloaded a game and got addicted. Now I’ve stopped playing it.

  • 13. Details: Pink, black and purple
  • 14. Favorite ring~
  • 15. Two other favorites. An owl and a turquoise one.
  • 16. Face shot of simple make-up.

  • 17. Coffee, like water in the morning.
  • 18. Make-up and hair one day, a bit indian/boho inspired.
  • 19. Single eye make-up shot~!
  • 20. Quick meal one day: Pink and green noodles.
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Back to the 80’s?

//accessorise-gifts and Lindex]]

Finally, here’s the outfit of yesterday. I was supposed to update before going to bed yesterday, but just got to tired to type. And I was also supposed to post it in the early morning, but I overslept. Yes mom, I fell asleep after replying to the text. Luckily I woke up before 7AM so it wasn’t a disaster. I seriously need to learn to get to bed earlier, but it’s so hard when its sunny and light outside! At school I just got to busy, and I’ve just gotten back from the café, spending time with one of my best friend in town. So lovely~

But yeah, the outfit! Very mint green/blue and nostalgic. This sweater reminds me so much of my childhood, when almost every child had a knitted weater with flowers. I also feel that this outfit has something 80′-ish over it. This time I think the black tights actually fits the outfit, because of the black letters, but they could have been in another pattern or less. I seriously need to stop ruining my tights… But in all, I really love this one colors style. I know I have said it before, but I just love it so much!

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A Whole lot of Pink~ 


Pink! Best word to describe my outfit for today. I have been wanting to make an outfit like this for ages, so when I purchased the pink shorts yesterday I had a clear plan of what to wear today when I woke up. I am such a fan of this kind of outfits, just focusing on one color. Choosing different fabrics, textures, patterns and tones of the color will make sure it don’t look dull or crazy. The top of it all, making it perfect, is the bright pink accessories and lipstick.

There’s actually one thing I don’t like about this outfit, and that is the black tights I had to wear. I only got black tights in different patterns. Oh, and crazy colored ones with floral patterns (it was SO in 2 years ago in my wardrobe at least). So I went out hunting for lighter tights, lighter black ones or skin colored ones. And I found some~! Not telling where yet, because I didn’t buy them – have my wallet with me! So I’m just hoping their still there tomorrow.

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A little taste of pink~

yay, for over-edited sucky cam pics...

A little preview of todays outfit. It’s so pink I am not sure if it’s allowed. Anyways, I loved it. Just adore outfits in just one color. Kinda the total opposite of the color block style. I have a few things that I need to do before I can take pictures and blog the entire outfit. I have to go grocery shopping, as I am starting to get a little low on food.

I also got a package slip from galstar in my mail box, so I am going to go and pick it up. I can’t wait to get to see the mint green sweater with roses on in real life. I hope it really is mint mint mint green. And that it will fitt to my newly bought mint green shorts. If so, I am going to do another one color outfit tomorrow~!

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Powder Rock ~

It was never my intention to leave my blog hanging for so long! I was very busy studying for my upcoming history test earlier this week. Guess what? On the day the test was, I woke up nauseous, totally empty of energy and with high fever. Every time I tried to move I had to puke. And I really tried to get to school and to the test. But no, all I could do was to lay down and sleep. And zip water every time I woke up. Yesterday was my first day back to normal after that crap, and it felt so good.

So during thursday when the fever started to let go I started looking at inspiration for spring and summer. I looked at scans of Scawaii and got huge amount of ideas, and I rarely look at it. Guess I have fallen in love with a new magazine! So here’s some of the pics that made my mind go crazy~

Above: I have always loved big bracelets and the glam rock look. That one with spikes, oh yes please. And the headband bow is so adorable.

Below: I kind of squealed when I saw this, I have soooo many t-shirts in my closet you have no clue. Even I don’t have a clue. And I just can’t wait for warmer weather so I can wear them with cute skirts and shorts. Kind of matching casual with cute and formal.

Above: ooh, I like this page a lot. I am all about that powder pink color. The bright pastel pink one, and the more toned down one.

Below: I’ve actually never liked SNSD’s Gee period, but I like that they have dedicated a spot in the magazine for the pants they wore. And colors is in this year, as always. But for once I too want to dress up in bright colors for spring and summer (usually I like to tone it down for these seasons). I have actually ordered two tights-jeans-ish pants from eBay in pink and red! So looking forward to wearing them!

Above: Light heels! Yes! I think that this year I have to purchase some. I’ve always wanted high heels or wedges, it’s just such a dare to buy. Light shoes gets dirty easier. But all I have to do is to treat them well. Somehow my legs always manage to find some mud to walk in when I wear light-colored shoes…

Below: More light-colored heels. One dream I also had for a long time is purchasing a pair of pumps with decent heels. Not to low or to high. Maybe they too should be light-colored? The sad thing is that my feet is so small I can’t find any shoes in local stores that fit me. I have to search on eBay for size 35, there has to be something!

Oh, I am so inspired right now~! I have so many outfits in my head, but I don’t have all the pieces yet. Most of my clothes in my closet are way to dark, so its pretty difficult for me to make one total light outfit. But I am getting there. I want to dress up in a total powder pink look, from top to toe. And I want to dress up in mint green and white. AND I want to dress up in colors that goes against each other. Contrasts.

I am kind of inspired by the color block style too, but I don’t think I am able to pull of an outfit with 3 bright colors. But two might work good for me. I recently wore blue jeans with bright pink accessories and I liked it! (Pictures is coming).

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This is an obsession, it has to be.


Pink. Pink. Pink. My brain is totally invaded by pink. It is becoming and obsession. I remember there was a time when I thought I would never ever like pink. But something changes, specially when I became friends with a pink-lover of a girl, my best friend. I have posted it before, how pink have sneaked up on me through my life. Just look on the Info Pop page.

Anyways, it just had to happen that I would buy a seriously bright pink lipstick too. I have become obsessed with matching my lips to my accessorize. And lately I have bought a pink ring and bracelet to be able to do so 100%.

Also this was the one friday I just couldn’t find anything to wear, so I ended up wearing my pink shirt and the black ‘baseball’ shorts. Strange how outfits work out so well when you just have turned your closet up-side-down in distress.

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Candy colors~

The minute I uploaded these pics I realised I should have done this update at home, so I could have written what colours these nail polish are in! Because I found some nice pink colored ones in the bathroom. But assuming their my mums, I couldn’t just steal them with me. And don’t as me why I didn’t write it down. Bad planing! But nice colors.

Love the shiny and baby pink one from Yves Rocher, and the more red-pink one from Depend. Also adore the combination! First time in ages I actually did it symmetrical, I am more fan if asymmetric  – choosing just one nail here, or two there to be another colour than the main. A totally fun way to get and play with some colors during your day~

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Its when you take your time it all becomes perfect.

I have noooo idea whats going on with my hand in that first picture. Just, no idea. And strange how when you put on make-up for nothing and it ends up becoming perfect. Why can’t I achieve this everyday? Might have something to do with the fact that this time I had all the time in the world to do it. Usually I just have 30 min, and I’m stressing around with making coffee and ect. Time is everything.

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