Tag Archives: color

Its (almost) summer time~!

Finally, its June. A new moth needs new inspiration, and as always I like to share some from japanese magazines. Starting with my favorite, Happie Nuts~! I am really used to the magazine focusing on dark colors, even tho spring and summer comes and they put more bright and light colors in their magazine, this issue is surprisingly light. Loving it ~

Above: I really love the color if the dress/jumpsuit/top&shors or whatever it is. Just adore the bright lace and the pastel fabric. I also like the shoes very much. And that skirt in the lover corner. I really really want one *w*

Below: Pastel color block? I like it. Light purple, mint green and bright yellow shoes. I would have ended up looking like an easter bunny, but this looks quite nice.

Above: Just love love love that black tights and the pink shirt with cut-out shoulders.

Below: Is it me or don’t they usually use a warm tone of brown for make-up? Anyways, I like this cold-toned make-up a lot.

Above: Adorable outfits in light colors, I like it~! Like tha variation too.

Below: Oh, the outfit with those cute pink shorts and the beige jacket. I really like the combination, and I envy her hair so much. Also, patterned shoes seems to be really in this summer!

Above: Hairstyles for summer~! I am going to get better at wearing my hats this season. I am also glad to see that the scarf is still a popular accessorize, I know I will be using mine a lot more when the sunny weather sets in. I just feel like they belong together, the sun and the scarf, it makes me feel a bit like a gypsy.

Below: I know I have said that I didn’t like the maxi-dress or maxi-skirt trend, and I really regret it. Oh yes!! I saw it coming some weeks ago, now I am finding myself drooling at the maxi-dress(or skirt?!) below with adorable flowers in warm colors. I might try to get a maxi-skirt or something.

Well, I have learnt my lesson.

Never say I don’t like a style, it might back-fire me. But I can always be sceptic to it before it happens. Anyways, loving this issuez~! I am actually more inspired to let the gyaru style be more than just inspiration now, than what I have before. No, I am not going to go gyaru, but I am going to try to learn more from the style I guess.

Also a little update on the my health situation. I finally went to the doctor yesterday, and I was right. It’s just a virus and I paid sour money afterwards. But its nice to know, now I don’t have to be worried. I just need to let it pass. Really… I suck at being sick, or not 100% well. But I have decided to not work out until after my last exam. I don’t want to risk getting a fever on the day of my oral exam, that would really suck.

Anyways~ Last “normal” day at school today. Yay~

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Get your head spinning around

How to start a monday morning, when everything seems hard and you just got no concentration at all? Well, my way of coping with these kind of days is getting some inspiration. I surf pages like Pinterest, Weheartit, tumbler and so on to wake up my head with inspiration. Because it gets my head started and spinning with ideas, that in the end makes me more awake and focused. So this morning I have spent looking through the May edition of Happie Nuts~

Above: I really like the cover of this issue, their make-up is so delicate and nice. Also, they are wearing black and white, kind of symbolises the two type of colors I really adore. Although I have developed a love for bright and pastel colors, I still love black, grey and dark colors.

Below: I am just adoring the light outfits against the blue background. The blue color is super comfortable for my eyes, and it’s also making the girl look tanner. So want to look tanner than what you are? Dress up in blues and mint colors. I also like the floral dress and the yellow shoes~

Above: At first I though the floral dress was a skirt, then I realised it was a dress with a crop top over. It’s just illustrates how diverse outfit you can e make with a dress. Also, I love the cut of the end. I am starting to like this “high front low back” trend. (not sure what to call it)

Below: Paste colors! Simply love the light purple jeans with the blue/turquoise purse. Also love her hairstyle with light color, big waves and a scarf/headband. I like that hair color a lot.

Above: Love love love the outfits with different kind of shorts. Not that I really need any more shorts, I think I got way to many. But I just can’t help myself, I think I’m hooked. Adore the one with stars and red pattern in the pockets.

Below: I also couldn’t help but notice the focus on different styles of doing your eyeliner in the make-up tutorials. I liked how they have taken the inner corner as far in as possible, and the way they make’s the wing at the end. I personally like this style a lot. And I do my wing in so many different ways, I don’t mind adding more styles to my list.

In general it’s a bit surprising seeing such a big scale of light colors in Happie Nuts, I am pretty much used to them going for a darker style. But it nice to see that they too can do some light Photo shoots/outfits.

Credits as tagged and to utsukushiikat

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Bright blue and hot pink~


My kinda color block outfit, inspired by the style at least. I had my period of dressing up in bright colors many years ago, and I still have some bright pieces of clothing in my closet. Like these bright blue jeans. I just love the vibrant contrast with that and my hot pink lipstick and accessories. On top of it all a pair of really blue nerd glasses and a lazy-hairbun. Simply love the contrast between the glasses and the lipstic~

I am not about to go crazy with 3 different bright colors and such, it is not something I can pull of or feel comfortable in. But the color block style look awesome on the people who do it right. I’ll just stick to two colors, besides I am more hooked on pastel colors.

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Powder Rock ~

It was never my intention to leave my blog hanging for so long! I was very busy studying for my upcoming history test earlier this week. Guess what? On the day the test was, I woke up nauseous, totally empty of energy and with high fever. Every time I tried to move I had to puke. And I really tried to get to school and to the test. But no, all I could do was to lay down and sleep. And zip water every time I woke up. Yesterday was my first day back to normal after that crap, and it felt so good.

So during thursday when the fever started to let go I started looking at inspiration for spring and summer. I looked at scans of Scawaii and got huge amount of ideas, and I rarely look at it. Guess I have fallen in love with a new magazine! So here’s some of the pics that made my mind go crazy~

Above: I have always loved big bracelets and the glam rock look. That one with spikes, oh yes please. And the headband bow is so adorable.

Below: I kind of squealed when I saw this, I have soooo many t-shirts in my closet you have no clue. Even I don’t have a clue. And I just can’t wait for warmer weather so I can wear them with cute skirts and shorts. Kind of matching casual with cute and formal.

Above: ooh, I like this page a lot. I am all about that powder pink color. The bright pastel pink one, and the more toned down one.

Below: I’ve actually never liked SNSD’s Gee period, but I like that they have dedicated a spot in the magazine for the pants they wore. And colors is in this year, as always. But for once I too want to dress up in bright colors for spring and summer (usually I like to tone it down for these seasons). I have actually ordered two tights-jeans-ish pants from eBay in pink and red! So looking forward to wearing them!

Above: Light heels! Yes! I think that this year I have to purchase some. I’ve always wanted high heels or wedges, it’s just such a dare to buy. Light shoes gets dirty easier. But all I have to do is to treat them well. Somehow my legs always manage to find some mud to walk in when I wear light-colored shoes…

Below: More light-colored heels. One dream I also had for a long time is purchasing a pair of pumps with decent heels. Not to low or to high. Maybe they too should be light-colored? The sad thing is that my feet is so small I can’t find any shoes in local stores that fit me. I have to search on eBay for size 35, there has to be something!

Oh, I am so inspired right now~! I have so many outfits in my head, but I don’t have all the pieces yet. Most of my clothes in my closet are way to dark, so its pretty difficult for me to make one total light outfit. But I am getting there. I want to dress up in a total powder pink look, from top to toe. And I want to dress up in mint green and white. AND I want to dress up in colors that goes against each other. Contrasts.

I am kind of inspired by the color block style too, but I don’t think I am able to pull of an outfit with 3 bright colors. But two might work good for me. I recently wore blue jeans with bright pink accessories and I liked it! (Pictures is coming).

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Dreaming of sweet and delicate pastel colors~

Photos from here~

I guess I’m eager for spring to come too~! But unlike the usual colorful fashion during spring & summer, I want to dress up in pastels. Light delicate colors mixed with a black/bright-colored piece of clothing. I don’t want to be to light either – but perfectly balanced.

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Which One Will I Use Today?

I can’t be the only girl with this issue in the morning. Which eyeshadow to pick this time? Or are you one that sticks to the same color, or minimalistic/natural look everyday? I’m certainly not, and I’ve started do grow tired of using grey/brown shades every day.

The problem is: it’s so easy to choose brown because it goes with everything, in contrary to purple, coral, green yellow ect. Sometimes I just want to go color block style, but that just too much – even too me.

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Get some color in your life: Eat oranges.

The fresh colors of oranges!

Some pictures I snapped while enjoying a bowl of oranges and a cup of tea earlier today. Look at how the teabag mark has the same color. The Pukka Relax tea is one of my favorites. Its made of organic chamomile, fennel & marshmallow root. Its said to calm and soothe, but it also gives a really warm feeling. Not just because I’m drinking hot beverage, but because the taste is .. warm.

Kinda hard explaining but you'll know what I mean when you try it~

I felt quite like a greek goddess laying on the couch eating them, except for the fact that it wasn’t grapes and no one was feeding me. At least I had a huge teddy bear to cuddle with. I really enjoy having Marcel here with me. I should snap some pictures of him soon!

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When Must-Haves gives you Issues

Don’t you just hate it when you find something you just GOT to have, and then you just don’t know which color to choose? I find myself having this issue often. Its hard to choose a color, when I so easily can picture myself wearing them all.

Like the colors grey, charcoal, khaki and white. 

This sweater is representing the college look I’m starting to seriously love, and the edgy look that I always carve for. I almost cried when the colors I wanted to have got sold out. Yes, colors. Guess what? They are all back in stock and I’m back to having trouble choosing color. Seriously; gray, khaki or ivory?

I had the same issue with this knitted tunic

But I have finally settled with green (because beige is sold out). Knitted tops just belong to fall fashion, this is the only one I have spotted that I want so far.. Just imagine how comfy it must be. I am purchasing this before it gets sold out again~!

And I am going to purchase these in the light colour

I will be well prepared for a cold winter in Trondheim!



Fall is comming

Finally, fall has started making its presence. Why finally? Because I love fall. When the leaves in the trees change into all those lovely and warm colours. When that steam in front of your mouth tells you that it has indeed gotten colder. The change is so massive, so drastic and noticeable. I just love it.

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